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Termites are without a doubt very harmful to the structure of your home. However, this surely brings another question to mind. We’ve compile few common questions and its answers about termites to clear the air for you!
What are termites?
Termites are social insects that live in colonies. They originate from the soil and generally enter structures undetected via hidden pathways in foundation walls and floors. They primarily live below the soil surface.
Termites consume wood and other cellulose materials in 24/7 basis, which they can easily found in your home’s structural components and other building components.
This is why the risk of termite infestation is one of a thing that every homeowners should be concerned.
What’s the differences between drywood and subterranean termites?
There are two main termite species that are commonly found in Indonesia: drywood termites and subterranean termites.
Can termites be harmful to humans?
Termites do not transmit diseases to humans, but they do harm your home - which could eventually put your family in danger.
Termites can cause an unstable and dangerous place for a living, like falling damaged beams and collapsed ceilings. These things surely can be harmful to your family health and safety.
What are the signs of termites in your home?
In general, there are a few telltale signs of termites infestation to look for (based on its species):
Signs of drywood termites
Signs of subterranean termites
What to do if you have termites at home?
Termites are undoubtedly very destructive pests in the world. But, luckily there are few simple termite prevention that will help you to reduce the risk of termites to choosing your home as their target.
Termite removal
Although these termite prevention tips above can help you to reduce the risk of termites, yet these tips will not fully guarantee that your termite problem will be done.
The best way to treat termites is to enlist the help of a professional termite exterminator company. A termite exterminator will be able to ensure your home is kept safe from termites by offering a range of protection and treatment methods.
Get in contact with Rentokil today and enjoy Mandiri 0% Installment for Rentokil Termite Protection Plan today!
Protecting Indonesian homes and businesses for over 50 years