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Rentokil disinfection service

Rentokil delivers a professional, high quality, and legally compliant disinfection service. Our qualified technicians are equipped with the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), respiratory protective equipment and specialist disinfection equipment to work safely and effectively.

Our disinfection services are tailored to meet your exact needs and include:

  • ULV fogging – when extremely small droplets of a disinfectant settle on inaccessible areas to enable the treatment of large areas in a short time
  • An effective disinfection services that gives you, our customer, peace of mind during the Coronavirus crisis
  • Sanitizing of touchpoints, surfaces, equipment, and floors

Call 150808 today to schedule your disinfection service or contact us online.

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Book and pay your vehicle disinfection service at ease via Rentokil Indonesia official store at blibli.com

Rentokil vehicle disinfection service can provide residual protection and reassurance to your vehicles

Find out more how to prepare for a full reopening of your business during COVID-19 recovery period

Learn more about surface shield disinfection service from Rentokil that effectively reduces 99.99% levels of pathogens that contaminate surfaces that last up to 30 days

Our range of disinfection services

We provide the following types of disinfection services to help your business deal with the effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

  1. Precautionary disinfection service
  2. Specialist disinfection service (intermediate level)
  3. Specialist disinfection service (high level)

1. Precautionary disinfection service for COVID-19

For customers when there are no suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19, who just want a one-off or regular precautionary disinfection.

Precautionary disinfection service:

  • ULV disinfection fogging with the option of additional critical touchpoint cleaning that includes door handles, handrails, push plates, light switches, remote controls, taps and desks (frequently touched surfaces)
  • Legally compliant full waste disposal (on request)
  • A post-treatment report confirming the service provided

2. Specialist disinfection service for COVID-19 (intermediate level)

For customers with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases but the premises and/or area have been shut down for more than 72 hours.

The intermediate level of specialist disinfection service refers to government guidelines that, under circumstances, the amount of infectious virus will have reduced significantly after 72 hours.

Intermediate level specialist disinfection service:

  • Reduced risk to colleagues as amount of infectious virus is significantly reduced after 72 hours
  • ULV disinfection fogging and surface sanitation on critical touchpoints covering door handles, handrails, push plates, light switches, remote controls, taps, and desks
  • Legally compliant full waste disposal (on request)
  • Use of RPE and PPE to prevent further infection
  • Customer premises operational ASAP
  • A post-treatment report confirming the service provided

3. Specialist disinfection service for COVID-19 (high level)

For customers with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases but the premises/area has been shut down for within the last 72 hours.

High level specialist disinfection service:

  • Carried out within 72 hours of a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 being reported on site
  • Technicians follow carefully assessed safety measures: their safety and the safety of the general public is of paramount importance to us
  • Includes ULV disinfection fogging and manual surface sanitation:
    • Critical touchpoints: door handles, handrails, push plates, light switches, remote controls, taps, and desks
    • All other touchpoints: office equipment, keyboards, kitchen equipment, and walls
  • Legally compliant full waste disposal in accordance with local COVID-19 waste regulations 
  • Use of RPE and PPE to prevent further infection
  • Customer premises operational ASAP
  • A post-treatment report confirming the service provided

Why Rentokil disinfection service?

Rentokil has protected people against pests for over 50 years in Indonesia. Now we have a much larger threat—COVID-19. Our expertise in the field of pest control and washroom hygiene solutions continues to put Rentokil to innovate through the newest disinfection service to protect people and enhances lives in Indonesia get through the COVID-19 crisis and recovery period.

Qualified technicians

Our technicians wear the appropriate PPE and equipment during conducting the treatment methods to deliver a safe and efficient service.

Professional & legal compliant

We deliver a fast response and a professional and legally compliant service.

Effective disinfection solution

Surface cleaning (swabbing) combined with fogging is the most effective way to disinfect an area quickly and safely.

Rentokil Coronavirus disinfection steps

Rentokil professional disinfection services have the techniques, tools and most appropriate products to work safely and effectively during the COVID-19 outbreak and beyond. We are ready to help you take the first steps back to get your organization operational again.

The best pest control services in Indonesia

Rentokil Indonesia's service quality reaches 4.7 stars on Google review

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Top Brand Awards Winner

Rentokil Indonesia achieve the highest position in the Top Brand Awards for Pest Control Category from 2011 to 2021