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Common Cockroach Species

Cockroaches FAQ

How do I get rid of cockroaches in Singapore?

You may use baits and traps in popular cockroach hiding spots. Other cockroach prevention methods include removing their food source and denying access and entries to your home. Keep the environment dry from moisture and clear trash and waste regularly. As cockroaches are nocturnal and surface at night food, the possibility of detecting their presence may be challenging. Seek professional pest control help to spot these infestation signs and adopt an effective cockroach control remedy.

How can we prevent cockroaches in Singapore?

It helps by maintaining a level of hygiene and sanitation standards in our homes at all times. Pay special attention to dark and damp areas, as these are favourite hiding spots of roaches and be sure to clean up food waste and garbage diligently. Apply proofing methods to add a protective barrier and prevent cockroach entries to your home easily.

What will keep cockroaches away?

Natural remedies such as essential oils and boric acid can help to keep roaches away from your homes. In particular, a mixture of boric acid and sugar can eliminate roaches to some extent. However, these remedies merely relocate cockroaches and unable to get rid of them completely.

How do I get rid of roaches in my car Singapore?

Firstly, clean and organise the interior of your car regularly including the trunk and boot. Secondly, avoid eating and drinking in your car, as food crumbs and water are highly likely to attract cockroaches. Finally, check your items and bags for pest presence before putting them in the car, as it may result from cross infestation.

Can cockroach survive without their head?

Yes. Cockroaches can survive up to 9 days without their head as they breathe through tiny holes in their body parts rather than through their mouths.

What are the common cockroach species in homes?

They are the Brown banded cockroach, German cockroach, and American cockroach. These cockroaches often lurk around kitchen, pantry and canteen where there are vast decaying matter, food scrapes, grease and water. Because of their likes in damp and moist conditions, they are often seen near sinks, grease traps and even in washrooms.


There are over 4,000 different species of cockroaches, which only about 40 species are considered pests while others are beneficial in their natural environment.

In Singapore, German cockroach and American cockroach are commonly found. Knowing more about cockroach life cycle and habits can help us identify the most effective cockroach control methods.

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Dealing with cockroach infestations?

A heavy cockroach infestation often means sighting of adult and baby cockroaches crawling around even in the day. They cause potential dangers to health and safety as cockroaches are well-known as 'Pests of poor hygiene'.

Besides being unhygienic, cockroaches are able to reproduce fast and an infestation can get out of control quickly.

Rentokil offers cockroach control solution with residual spraying, gels and baits that are effective against an infestation. Consistent inspections and monitoring are required as well.

Read Also: DIY pest remedies to get rid of cockroaches for homes

German cockroach

German cockroach

(Blattella germanica)


  • Adult is 10 – 15 mm in length.
  • Pronotum (head shield) has 2 dark longitude stripes.
  • Male is light yellowish brown in colour with longer tongue shaped body.
  • Female is darker in colour with plump abdomen.


  • Female produces 4 – 9 oothecae (egg case), each oothecae contain 37 – 44 eggs.
  • Nymphs take 30 – 60 days to mature into adults.


  • Major pest in restaurants, hotels and apartments.
  • Prefers dark and secluded areas to harbourage such as under the cupboard and behind a refrigerator.
American cockroach

American cockroach

(Periplaneta americana)

The American cockroach is one of the largest pest cockroaches to invade commercial properties.


  • Adult is 35 – 40 mm in length, one of the largest pest cockroaches.
  • Shining red to chocolate brown in colour.


  • Female produces 10 – 90 oothecae (egg case), each oothecae contain 14 – 28 eggs.
  • Nymphs take 150 days to develop into adults.


  • Prefers warm and humid environment such as drains and sewers.
Brown-banded cockroach

Brown-banded cockroach

(Supella longipalpa)


  • Adult is 10–14 mm in length, one of the smallest pest cockroaches.
  • Yellow-brown stripes across the abdomen.

Life cycle

  • Female produces up to 13 oothecae (egg case), each oothecae contain 16 eggs.
  • Nymphs take 55 days to develop into adults.
  • In ideal temperature conditions (30°c), adult lives 90 – 115 days.


  • Prefers warm and humid environment such as drains and sewers.

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