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When pests infest our premises and become difficult to control, it is always a smart idea to consult a pest control company because they have qualified professionals who can offer expert solutions. From setting traps, monitoring pest activity to administering treatments to flush out pests, there is a wide range of pest control services to handle all manner of pest issues.
Professional pest treatments are typically more effective than DIY or home remedies in getting rid of pests as they are done by specialists who have expert knowledge in pest behaviours and control. They often utilised target solutions such as specific active ingredient and dilution rate, to target at the pest species identified. However, professional pest treatments are not the end-all and be-all of pest management. The danger of experiencing a pest infestation is still present and we should not ease up on pest control just because the current threat has been eradicated. As such, in this article, Rentokil will share information on how to reduce the chances of an infestation following a pest treatment. Some possible reasons on how recurring pest infestation occurs include poor and ongoing sanitation and housekeeping gaps, compromised structure, cross infestation and other environmental and urbanisation issues.
Most pest treatments often involve active ingredients whether it is fumigation, fogging, or using the residual spray. Although ongoing research and advancement in pest control technologies have resulted in the use of fewer toxic chemicals, safety and precautionary measures are still necessary to prevent any possible health and safety issues, while ensuring optimal pest control efficacy.
For pest control solutions such as fumigation that addresses Stored Product Insect (SPI) infestation in warehouses and food processing plants, it requires using a toxic gas to eliminate the pest. While it is highly regulated and has to be done by licensed professionals in enclosed spaces, there are specific post-treatment checklists in place such as evacuating away from the enclosed and treated area within the recommended time frame.
Mosquito fogging refers to creating a fog of insecticide and carrier gas (either water or a non-toxic chemical) to eradicate flying insects such as mosquitoes. Fogging can be done in open areas because it has a low chance of harming human health, and many of us have probably seen such fogs coming out of buildings or construction sites in Singapore. While it is environmentally-friendly, it is best to stay away from the treated area at the recommended time interval. However, in recent days, thanks to innovation and technology with new ways of eliminating both adult mosquitoes and larvae by placing mosquito traps at targeted strategic areas.
When it comes to pests like ants, cockroaches, and bed bugs, pest control companies often use residual spraying, which includes spraying active ingredients on trouble spots. They are typically different from the commercial insecticides found in homes as residual spraying is more targeted. A pest control specialist will carry out site inspections in which they will determine the area of infestation, access the complexity and risks level, and the type of pest. Following this, they will know which type of treatment to administer and that can effectively get rid of the pests.
If your premises have gone through fogging or residual spraying, here is what you should do afterward:
In any case, the pest control company will inform you of what you need to do once your premises have been thoroughly treated for pests. Be sure to ask them any questions that you may have regarding the treatment.
Pest management is not just the job and responsibility of pest control experts. It is also the individual's effort in keeping pest infestation under control. Firstly, recurring pests happen because of poor lifestyle habits, lack of cleaning and clearing, presence of food and water and ample space for pests to hide and breed. Secondly, property can degenerate due to aging conditions, defects and gaps and possible plumbing problems. This results in leaks, spills and chokes. Thirdly, pests are known to travel such as rats, cockroaches, bed bugs and mosquitoes, and even termites. They may enter into your premises if without a sound proofing system. Finally, we are all guilty of doing spring cleaning just the one time for the year, thus leaving multiple piles and junks around that allow pests to hide comfortably within.
Read also: Useful preventive tips to maintain a pest-free home
It is important to keep monitoring your home for any potential signs of new or worsening of pest activities. In particular, at hot spots and key risk areas. Pest signs to look out for, is an unusual spike or persistent visual presence of the pests. Others include droppings and poops, distinctive and unusual smell and physical damages caused by pests. Pest activities are situational, due to epidemics such as dengue. Some might be related to surrounding conditions such as construction works. Infestation signs may be less obvious or non-recognisable as we are not trained in this specialisation, however, a credible pest control company will conduct regular inspection and monitoring and update on the condition and progress through an online reporting portal.
After a pest treatment, it is important to maintain high levels of hygiene standards. This is to reduce the risks of pests infesting your premises again. Pest control companies also offer integrated pest management (IPM) solutions that focus on preventative measures. This involves setting up monitoring and bait stations to detect and respond to pest activity. Pests go undetected for years or pose a health risk to humans such as termites and mosquitoes respectively. Hence, IPM works as a long-term protection plan for your premises and your loved ones.
Some individuals opt for one-off treatment to resolve the existing pest problem on hand, rather than long-term protection. It is possible for a pest recurrence, as the quick fix does not resolve the root source of the problem. It may unable to eliminate pest activities that have spread to the other parts of the premise. This allows breeding and multiplication to take place. Hence, it is important to have a consistent and ongoing pest protection to ensure pests presence are avoided effectively.
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It is common for multiple pests to invade in a home, because of similarities in food choices and hideouts. Ants, cockroaches and rats favour home due to the presence of food, waste and water. They have many possible spaces they can hide, in seeking warmth and comfort. Termites are another common pest attacking home, with the abundance of wood and cellulose materials they can find. This includes from your wall, furniture, ground and structural beams.
It is possible for a sudden influx of pests because of the surrounding environment, neighbouring activities and weather. For example, mosquitoes thrive well in warm weather thus reducing their life cycle and thus, it may be essential to step up measures such as increasing mosquito control programmes during times of dengue outbreak, and especially for premises residing within the dengue cluster in Singapore. Bed bug infestation may occur due to hitch-hack from location to location. This requires immediate action to eradicate the bed bugs before infestation escalates.
Rentokil Singapore offers a range of expert pest control services for homes and businesses! Contact us at (65) 6347 8138 for a pest control solution today.