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Zika and Dengue Prevention Tips

Zika Virus in Indonesia: Increase your vigilance & protection

There are 56 Zika cases have been reported in Singapore, and since January 2016 until today, there are total 11,110 Zika cases all over the world. Health Minister of Indonesia, Nila Moeloek said that until today none of Zika virus has been found in Indonesia (www.detik.com, 31/08/2016), but as a country who has tropical climate, Indonesia has a potential risk to be infected by Zika virus. 

What is Zika virus? It is a virus infection that is transmitted by the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes, and identical to that of a Dengue. Zika may cause viral fever, with skin rashes, body aches and headache. However, the danger is, most people whom are infected do not develop symptoms. The virus is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito. These Aedes mosquitoes get infected when it feeds a blood meal from a Zika-infected person, who in turn transmits the virus to people they bite on. 

What can you do to minimise placing yourself at risks in contracting the disease? 

  • Ensure no breeding source in and out of your home or work place. (Aedes mosquitoes breed in clean and stagnant water) 
  • Protect yourself from being bitten by wearing long, covered clothing 
  • Apply insect repellant for additional safety 
  • Ensure your home or work place is adequately treated in controlling the adult mosquito population and application of Larvicide to target at the larval life stage of the mosquito
  • Additional protection such as indoor and outdoor mosquito trapped can be installed for peace of mind 

Seek medical treatment if you are unwell or approach for medical advice if you are unsure if your symptoms are Zika positive. Some symptoms to look out for include: 

  • Fever 
  • Rash 
  • Joint paints, muscle pain and headache 
  • Conjunctivitis (red eyes) 
  • Symptoms that last between 4 to 7 days 

Stay vigilant and observe any potential risks by inspecting your environment on any presence of breeding mosquitoes diligently. Engage a specialist to help you inspect for assurance and trustworthiness. An enhanced mosquito protection program is available to protect your family and workers. 

Our experts will help you controlling the mosquitoes infestation, kindly email [email protected] or call 150808.

Zika Cases Have Subsided: Vigilance Still Have to Heighten for Dengue

Zika virus has raised attention and global concern in 2016. World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the disease as a international public health emergency in February last year. In the same year, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia also issued a travel advisory for Indonesian citizens who travels to Singapore. Entry port in Batam is also a subject from screening by government to find the Zika carrier who had arrived from Singapore.

This year, WHO announced a reduced in number of Zika cases in South America, however WHO urged the public to remain vigilant. Zika virus has affected more than 60 countries and largely in South America. Therefore caution should not be lowered, although recent reports citing a subside in new infections during 2017.

With the declining intensity of these Zika case, this does not mean that we become complacent and reduce the level of awareness of Zika and Dengue. According to the study, Zika virus is closely related to dengue because the mosquitoes that spread and carry this disease is the same, Aedes Aegypti. Therefore, the prevention for Zika virus are not much different from Dengue. It is more important is to prevent the spread of diseases and reduce the population by removing any visible breeding sites and eliminating adult mosquitoes.

If you suspect your area has been infested with Aedes mosquitoes or there are cases of Zika or dengue, then you should immediately take corrective measures in your neighborhood.

With the monsoon season ending in first quarter, climate changes will influence the population of these mosquitoes. Weather, also plays an influencing role towards mosquito infestation. A higher temperature introduces more mosquito feeding (as warmer weather makes mosquitoes hungry more easily), and a faster virus replication (warmer air incubates virus faster), and hence able to cause an earlier or quicker disease transmission. A warmer temperature would also mean a larger mosquito population.

You can also learn how to protect yourself from getting bitten with following safe steps:

  • Install mosquito netting
  • Apply insect repellant
  • Wear long sleeve clothing
  • Clear stagnant water
  • Remove breeding sources
  • Keep the room cold

Some home residents might find a hassle installing and pulling netting, hence there are indoor mosquitoes trap available to help trap the adult mosquitoes while family can rest well without being bitten at home.

Ask our experts for help. Rentokil as a service company in the pest control industry has an integrated program such as Mosquito Management Program to take care of your adult mosquitoes and breeding larvae internally and externally. Call us at the toll free number 150808 or email at [email protected]

7 Zika facts you need to know now

Zika virus outbreak in Indonesia

  1. The Aedes mosquito is the species responsible for carrying and spreading both the Zika and dengue virus.
  2. It is a bad cycle. Zika spreads as humans are the carrier for the virus as well. It takes an infected mosquito to spread yet it also takes an infected human to infect another Aedes mosquito when bitten.
  3. Zika is potentially harmful to pregnant woman as the mother can pass on the virus to the baby. The baby would risk getting Microcephaly, a condition where a baby’s brain is not properly developed during pregnancy and/or stopped growing after birth.
  4. There is no vaccine to prevent or treat Zika infections. Steps are taken to relieve the symptoms. It is always advisable to seek professional medical attention.
  5. Symptoms of Zika virus are usually very mild. Infected people would not know they have the virus unless they develop symptoms such as fever, headache, rash and joint pain.
  6. Cover up and use bug spray, for starters. Preventing mosquito bites is the right way to prevent Zika. If you’re in an area with disease-spreading mosquitoes, wear long-sleeved shirts and pants no matter how warm it is—mosquitoes are more infectious when the mercury rises. 
  7. The best way to break out of the Zika cycle is to eliminate and stop the breeding of mosquitoes.

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