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Although known for their role in pollination and producing honey, bees can become a threat to homeowners when they build their hives near or inside homes. Bees are considered less dangerous than other stinging insects like wasps. In Indonesia, bees like honey bees and carpenter bees seldom sting unless they are provoked. However there are aggressive species such as the Africanized honey bees that will sting humans in large numbers, fortunately we’ve yet to spot any of them here.
Bee stings have the potential for an allergic reaction, resulting in anaphylactic shock. Anaphylactic shock is a serious medical condition that requires immediate medical assistance and can even cause death.
Like the bee, a wasp sting is a form of defence. If wasps feel threatened or if their nest is disturbed it makes them very aggressive and provokes them to sting.
Bees are generally not very aggressive insects. If their nest is left undisturbed, most types of bees will not attack.
The main reason why bees sting humans is that they are afraid that humans will destroy their hives. When they feel that their nest is threatened by humans, the bees will release pheromones which become a panic signal for the entire swarm of bees in the hive to immediately defend their hive.
The best way to avoid dangerous bee stings is to avoid their nests. If you notice an increase in bee activity around certain areas of your house or yard, avoid going there and enlist the help of a bee extermiator to remove the existing beehives.
Bees are not like other stinging insects such as wasps or hornets. Bees have a barbed stinger with a small hook at the end. When they sting their intended victim and fly away from their victim, the barb will stay in the victim's skin because the bees are unable to pull it back.
As soon as the bees sting their victim, the bees will die because they leave behind not only poison but also part of their digestive tract, along with muscles and nerves.
On the other hand, victims who are stung by bees will find the bee stinger still left behind and stuck to their skin. At the top of the bee's stinger there is a small yellowish pouch which functions to inject poison into the victim's body even after it has been released from the bee's body.
This is why removing the bee stinger left on the victim's skin is so important.
For most people, bee stings result in pain and swelling of the skin that is temporary for a few hours.
However, for some people who are allergic to bee stings, a bee sting reaction results in an anaphylactic reaction or a more serious reaction to the body's autoimmune system.
Below are some of the allergic symptoms that can be caused by a bee sting reaction:
If you have an allergy to bee stings, it is highly recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Here are some ways to treat bee stings:
If you find that a bee sting has caused an infection in your skin or pain and swelling that persists for days, seek medical attention immediately.
Below are some ways to avoid bee stings, especially when you are in an outdoor area such as your yard or garden:
It is difficult to know how you might react to a wasp sting, if you have never been stung before. There are some practical things you can do to help with any pain you might feel
If someone has the following symptoms after being stung, immediately call for an ambulance:
Call Rentokil on 0 800 1 333 777 to arrange a visit or book online today.
Learn how to recognize beehives at home
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