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There may be hundreds of species of bees, wasps, and hornets found around the world. Only a few of these are seen as real pests here in Indonesia and some of them do not sting. Some species, like the Honey Bee, are actually a valuable part of our ecosystem. Understanding their habits, lifecycle and appearance can help to identify the best form of wasp control for your home or business.
See our list below of common species in Indonesia.
Social bees are a type of bees that form large colonies. Social beehives contain dozens to dozens of bees that comb and care for the queen, feed the larvae and produce honey.
Although very common in nature, this type of social bee is most likely to be seen making nests or working together to build communities.
(Apis Mellifera)
Honey bees are the species kept by Bee Keepers.
If you have a problem with honey bees, contact a local Bee Keeper or Environmental Health Department as they will be able to arrange for the swarm to be relocated.
(Bombus sp.)
Bumble bees are often confused with honey bees.
Unlike social bees, solitary bees prefer to operate alone or in very small colonies. Solitary bees tend to have very small nests, fly alone, and make enough food to feed the larvae they have. There are several types of solitary bees in Indonesia, and most of them are not harmful to humans.
(Osmia rufa)
(Xylocopa virginica)
Social wasps live in a colony in a similar way to honey bees and ants. Most of the wasps in a colony consist of the worker caste.
Learn a tip or two in getting rid of them from your home and business premises
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