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Wood Borers

Wood borers are wood damaging insect that invade and damage structural and furniture wood based on the type and moisture content of the wood. All homes or businesses constructed of natural wood are at risk to wood borer infestations.

Here are some helpful facts about Wood Borers:

  • Adult beetles lay their eggs in wood cracks. They infest floorboards, furniture, wooden beams and any other wooden objects in your property.
  • Larvae burrow deep into the wood where they feed and in the process they make a maze of tunnels over several years.
  • If infestation left untreated, timbers within a building can be weaken and may lead to structural failure of timbers.

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Rentokil’s Solution for Wood Borers

Using a professional pest control service is the most effective way to remediate wood borer problems from your property.

  • As required, depending on situation, we offer a Pest Site Inspection of your premises.
  • Our experienced and professionally trained service technicians can offer effective, targeted wooed borers control solutions tailored to your requirements.
  • Treatments include the control of any potential breeding sites and we will advise on actions to take according to the PEST approach.

Worried about wood borer in your property? Call us at +85229546888 for your home or business premises. Alternatively, contact us online for a fast and effective service.

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Wood borers

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Our mission is to protect people and enhance lives. We do that by creating groundbreaking pest control innovations, by making our service solutions more sustainable and by making a positive impact in communities where we live and work.