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The thing about woodworms is that they are not actually worms at all. The name is actually attributed to the larvae of any number of wood-boring beetles like powderpost Beetles (Lyctinae), deathwatch beetles (Xestobium rufovillosum) and cottonwood borers (Plectrodera scalator). The adult beetles lay eggs on or just beneath the surface of wooden structures and the resulting grubs will feed on the wood, boring their way through the structure as they grow and emerge as adults later on.
Similar to termites, beetles burrow through the wood, causing damage to wooden structures around businesses. This is why woodworm inspection and treatment services may be needed on your property. In fact, a serious woodworm infestation can cause wooden floors and wooden structures to collapse completely.
Woodworms prefer to live outdoors and greatly prefer damp wood, so the dry wood of furniture is not their preferred place to live. However, they can end up indoors when wooden furniture is brought into the business from elsewhere.
Concerned that your business may have a woodworm problem? Our experts know how to handle these wood-destroying pests and can effectively remove them from your property. Contact us online today
Rentokil can handle your pest control needs whether you have one location or many. Find out about our multi-site pest solutions.
You may not realize that you have a woodworm problem until the resulting damage becomes visible, so early identification is key to avoiding serious property damage. Watch for these signs.
Fresh exit holes in wood - round or oval-shaped with sharp edges, the holes will appear clean and fresh.
Bore dust - (also known as frass) caused by emerging adult beetles, usually visible below the infested wood.
Adult beetles - emerge from wood at specific times in the year depending on the biology of the species.
Weak and damaged floorboards - in extreme cases, a foot or chair leg going through the floor can indicate a more serious problem.
Tunnels in the wood - also known as 'galleries' which are often hard to see.
Crumbling wood - around corners or edges to roof joists or floorboards.
Dead beetles - usually found near the infested wood or around nearby window sills.
Eggs - these vary in size depending on the beetle, but all are difficult to spot with the naked eye.
Woodworm larvae - usually a creamy-white color and curved in shape.
There are a number of beetles that bore into wood and leave larvae that usually get classified as woodworm. These include:
Rentokil provides woodworm control services for the following commercial businesses:
Wood-destroying organisms like termites and woodworms can expose buildings to property damage and put your people at risk.
Pests can quickly multiply and spread to neighboring buildings. Rentokil specialists act as your eyes and ears, helping you protect your investment.
Museums house valuable and fragile artifacts, art pieces and furniture. Don’t let pests chew their way through history.
Our Rentokil woodworm inspection and prevention experts use the latest technology and methods to find woodworm in structures and furniture around your building.
Performing a thorough inspection of your business is necessary to determine if you have an active infestation. They will check for associated problems such as wood rot or dampness and any wood that needs replacing. Based on this detailed evaluation, your technician will then recommend an appropriate woodworm treatment for your business.
The type of treatment recommended can vary depending on:
If you’re in need of woodworm treatment, please contact us at 1-855-633-6260 or contact us online to schedule a complimentary inspection of your property with a Rentokil Technician in your local area.
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