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Have you ever wondered why white rats have been used as an animal lab test in the most movie you watched?
Rodents like rats and mice are considered as the dominant mammalian that are commonly used in laboratory testing by researchers and scientist over the years. According to the paper entitled “The Essential Need for Animals in Medical Research” published in 2015 by National Association for Biomedical Research (NABR), approximately 95% of laboratory testing has been used rats and mice in their experimental setups.
Besides its small size and don’t need a lot of spaces to test bigger animals, why do rats and mice are commonly used as models in the medical and behavioural study? The short answer to this question is because surprisingly humans and rats are alike!
What do rats and humans have in common?
These set of facts above prove that rats more or less have shared the similarity with humans in terms of their behaviour, intelligence and emotions. Now another question is do these facts become the main reasons why is so difficult to get rid of rats without enlisting help from the experienced professional pest control company?
Let’s find out 3 rats intelligence facts which you might not know all this time.
Rats have a similar nervous system as humans. Thus, it’s not impossible for them to also feel sad and joy or even suspicious like humans. Rat's primary survival skill is they neophobic behaviour, meaning they are fearful of anything unfamiliar in their territory.
Unlike mice which are more curious and might investigate new objects, most rats species inherently suspicious and tend to avoid anything new in their territory for a couple of days until they get used to it. This is why effective baits, bait stations and traps often take a few days or weeks to work perfectly.
Rats considered a highly social animal which loves to communicate with each other. Rats make use of their urine as a “chemical communication” to other rats which also known as urine-marking behaviour which have different functions in social communication, including:
Do you remember a classic kids movie in early 2000 called “Ratatouille” that tells us about a chef-rat named Rémy who has a highly developed sense of taste, smell and even can cook! In real life, rats also have an impressive ability to taste and smell during the foraging too!
Since rats are omnivorous and tend to eat as many foods as possible, the primary purposes of rat’s excellent sense of taste and smell are let them distinguish good and bad food to consume. They can recognize certain taste after just a tiny bite of it through their ‘taste receptors’ which is located in their mouths that are sensitive to taste including rat poisons.
This article supposed to widen your view on how rats are actually smart enough and can be hard to catch by humans. Even worse, it’s ability and tolerance to well adapted to living among humans, become the main reasons of why rats consider as an inescapable part of urban modern living these days.
While DIY products are might give result in the case of low rat infestation at your property, yet it doesn’t mean that DIY products will able to solve a severe problem at your house completely, especially in a heavily infested house and/or if the repeated infestation keeps occurred.
As part of PEST (Prevention-Exclusion-Sanitation-Treatment) approach, professional rat control service will assist you to ensure that your rat problem will be pressed to the lowest population by conducting:
Do you have any rats in the house? Contact us for immediate advice and assistance from a local expert. We’re here to help!
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