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The majority of spiders cannot harm anyone and it is very uncommon for people to be bitten by them. To avoid any unnecessary encounters, there are a few things that you can do to ensure you keep spiders away from your home.
They are unpleasant to look at and their webs can cause a mess if they infest your home or business. From Common House Spiders to Tarantulas, we can give you more information about these creatures to help you get over your fears.
There are around 35,000 types of spiders can be found throughout the world, and some of them are often found at home or business premises in Indonesia. Learn more about the appearance, life cycle and habits of the common types of spiders in Indonesia.
(Parasteatoda tepidariorum)
(Phalangium opilio)
(Aphonopelma spp.)
(Trochosa ruricola)
(Cheiracanthium spp.)
Professional treatments to rid your home of spiders
Know the symptoms of spider bites