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Noises in the Attic

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Noises in the attic are worrying and can be an indication that rodents or other wildlife may be living in your roof.

Attics (lofts or ceiling cavities) are ideal environments for possums, rats and mice, who damage stored items and electric cabling by gnawing and possibly causing fires. They are also ideal environments for nesting birds that can spread disease, mites and fleas.

Noises should be investigated quickly - nests and droppings become ideal breeding sites for insects, which may then carry nasty bugs and diseases into your home.

Inspect your attic and look for visible signs of habitation, commonly their droppings.

Apa yang ada di loteng saya?

Ada beberapa indikator untuk mengidentifikasikan jenis 'tamu' apa yang telah tinggal di loteng Anda.

Loteng atau rongga langit-langit adalah lingkungan yang ideal untuk hewan pengerat seperti tikus rumah atau tikus atap untuk membangun sarang dan menggerogoti barang-barang yang umumnya berada di dalam loteng seperti kabel listrik dan menyebabkan masalah kebakaran.

Selain hama tikus, loteng juga merupakan tempat yang ideal bagi hama lainnya untuk bersarang seperti burung dan tawon.

Identify Your Pest

Identifying a pest that you have encountered is an essential first step in dealing with any pest infestation. Pest ID helps you identify common pests. Click here to use the Pest ID tool

Identifikasi hama di loteng berdasarkan suara dan kotoran

  • Tanda keberadaan tikus rumah - Suara – Menimbulkan suara seperti menggaruk dan mengunyah. Kotoran – Berbentuk kecil, ujung yang runcing, dan memiliki panjang sekitar ½ cm.
  • Tanda keberadaan tikus atap - Suara – Menimbulkan suara seperti menggaruk dan mengunyah. Kotoran – Berbentuk kecil, ujung yang tumpul atau tidak lancip,  dan memiliki panjang sekitar 1.5 cm - 2 cm.
  • Tanda keberadaan burung - Suara – Menimbulkan suara seperti kepakan sayap. Kotoran – Keberadaan jenis burung merpati atau lainnya di loteng rumah Anda dapat menimbulkan kekacauan, suara bising dan risiko kesehatan.
  • Tanda keberadaan tawon - Tawon akan menimbulkan suara dengung di loteng rumah Anda. Cara termudah untuk mengetahui keberadaan tawon di rumah dapat dilihat dengan ditemukannya tawon yang sudah mati pada kusen jendela maupun lantai.

Get Rid of Mice in the Attic

Mice need to be treated quickly, to avoid an infestation taking hold. Initial defence is to proof your attic against entry. We have a very effective, professional service for controlling mice.

Learn more about mice and our expert mouse control for your home.

 Get professional targeted treatments to quickly remove mice. 

Get Rid of Rats in the Attic

Like problems with mice, a rat problem should be treated quickly to reduce the risk of fire and spread of disease in your home.

Proofing your ceiling space is an effective way of preventing entry, but the infestation must be treated first.

Learn more about rats and our expert rat control solutions for your home.

 Professional rat control is the most effective and quickest way to get rid of rats.

How to Get Rid of Birds in The Attic

Pigeons, Indian Mynas or other birds in the attic create mess, health risks and annoying noise.

Birds should be removed and the entry points need to be blocked, using chicken wire or a solid barrier. It is possible to proof the exterior of your building from pigeons and other birds using spikes, wire systems or netting.

To remove birds, it may be possible to scare them away, but long term bird removal is likely to require professional trapping.

Rentokil are experts in all forms of bird control, so if you would like further advice or would like to arrange a visit from a Rentokil expert, call us on 0800 1 333 777.

Pigeons and seagulls are normally the worst culprits, especially in towns and cities.

How to Get Rid of Wasps in The Attic

Wasps in the attic create mess, they are difficult to get rid of without professional help and can be incredibly dangerous.

Wasps are a common infestation for spring and summer seasons. An attic can provide an excellent place for a nest or even multiple nests. To get rid of wasps you do 'not' need to remove the nest, but you do need to treat it and the nesting wasps.

Rentokil are experts in all forms of wasps removal, so if you would like further advice or would like to arrange a visit from a Rentokil technician, call Rentokil today on 0800 1 333 777 for safe and effective treatment for wasps.

Wasps nests can be dangerous to handle. Rely on professional treatments to keep safe from stings.

Insect Infestations in Your Attic

An insect infestation is most likely to be caused by attraction to food, textiles or wood stored in your loft, or they may be living off the droppings of other pests in the loft such as rats, mice or possums.

Deep cleaning and the use of amateur insecticides will help to keep insects under control, but you may require professional treatment to completely eradicate the infestation by stopping the life-cycle.

Rentokil has extensive experience in eliminating insect infestations, so you can be sure we have the right solution for you. 

Find out more on how to deal with particular insects you may find in your loft:

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