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Pest birds such as pigeons are well known to carry a range of diseases and are hosts to other insect pests. Humans can also develop symptoms similar to influenza from the spores in bird droppings.
Professional bird control is not only critical to avoid damage to your property but also to minimise the health risks posed by the presence of certain birds.
Pigeons, for example, are hosts to parasitic pests such as ticks, fleas and bird mites, which can spread to people. They are commonly found on birds, their droppings and nesting materials. These parasites can invade buildings in search of a new food source.
Beberapa penyakit yang dibawa merpati dapat membuat Anda sakit. Penting untuk bertindak pada masa-masa awal ketika infestasi burung ditemukan untuk menghindari bahaya kesehatan yang berhubungan dengan burung.
Khawatir mengenai bahaya burung pada properti Anda?
Hubungi kami sekarang di 150808 untuk saran dari para ahli.
Learn more about Rentokil's bird control and removal services for your business