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Signs of Bird Infestation

Your premises, whether commercial or residential, can be an ideal habitat for pest birds as it provides them with food, water and shelter (a place to roost on). Once they turn your property into their home, it will be quite a challenge to remove and stop them from coming back. For example, pigeons are gregarious creatures living in flocks of anywhere between 50–500 birds. So, a few pigeons here and there can potentially turn into a large uncontrollable infestation. Thus, early detection is key to getting rid of a bird infestation.

Common Bird Infestation Signs

Recognising the signs of bird infestation and getting an immediate solution can drastically reduce the length of time needed to effectively control pest birds. Here is a list of warning signs indicating that it’s time to get professional help:

  1. Birds settling on roofs or ledges
  2. Bird noises — continuous bird cries, especially from young chicks
  3. Bird droppings — concentrated in areas where birds roost
  4. Bird nests — nesting materials strewn about your premises
  5. Debris from nests and feathers — may block guttering and drainage systems, potentially leading to water damage to your premises

Where to look for bird problems

  1. Tall buildingsroof voids and slope
  2. Balconiesledges and pipes on the exterior and interior walls are among their favourite roosting areas
  3. Any gap larger than 25mm that allows access into your building is a potential entry point for pigeons

Your Trusted Bird Control Expert

While birds are harmless in their natural habitat, they pose various health and safety risks to both businesses and homes. The key to getting rid of bird infestation is early detection and effective treatment. Our team of trained and qualified Bird Control Experts provide professional, humane and target control solutions.

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