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Business sector insights

With many industries requiring a ‘zero tolerance’ to pests, we understand it is critical to manage pest risks to protect your reputation and revenue. Our removal and control programmes are tailored to safeguard your business and your customers from pest-related problems and diseases.

Our pest prevention, early detection and innovative solutions help protect your business, ensuring the highest standards are maintained. Learn more about the various industries we service below.

Food sectors

Rentokil works proactively with businesses in the food sector to help prevent infestations, deal with outbreaks, stop further contamination and mitigate the risk of future pest infestations. We control risks from pests in compliance with industry best practice, audit and food standards.

Protect your consumers and business reputation

Uplift your guest experience

Enrich your diner’s experience

Ensure goods are safe for sale and consumption

Learn how food safety regulation can impact the entire food supply chain

Non-food sectors

Rentokil has decades of experience working with businesses and industrial sites of all sizes to keep their properties, operational environments and staff safe from the health and safety risks that potential pest infestation outbreaks could bring.

Find out what are the industries we cover.

Protect your assets, people, and goods

Supporting you to protect your stock

Protect your reputation and stores from pests

Keep your staff safe and healthy from pests

Protecting your customers and property from pests

Secure the integrity of pharmaceutical supply chain

Keep your staff and patients away from pest

Create a conducive environment for learning and teaching

Ensure your building are proofed and protected from pests

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Why Rentokil?

Rentokil has been protecting homes and businesses in Malaysia for over 50 years. Find out why you can trust us with your pest problems.