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Pre-Construction Termite Protection

1 in 4 Jamaican homes will be affected by termites in their lifetime. Will you gamble your reputation on those odds?

Research conducted by Rentokil has shown that the fear generated by termites far outstrips the likes of cockroaches, rodents and spiders.

It is a fear triggered by the need to provide security and protection for our home and family.

As such, the use of a pre-construction termite protection system is a huge selling point for new homes and is driving the growth of the industry across Jamaica.

Providing Long-term Termite Protection

At Rentokil, we partner with builders to provide an effective product, and deliver consistent and quality service across all construction projects.

Service benefits:

  • National coverage - Rentokil is the only provider of pre-construction termite systems that has national coverage.
  • Cost-effective - Our dedicated installation team focuses on being a business partner that saves time and money for our building customers.
  • Experienced - With a collective experience of over 200 years in the pre-construction industry, our building partners have access to knowledge and advice found nowhere else in the industry.
  • Guaranteed protection - We’re so confident in our work that we guarantee our termite prevention services with the Rentokil Termite Warranty, for as long as we are guarding the property with our comprehensive annual check-ups.

Which Termite Solution is Right for You?

We have a suite of pre-construction termite systems to protect your project, whether it’s an extension, renovation or new home, on a concrete slab, bearers or joist. Rentokil can provide a termite protection for you.

Rentokil’s preferred system is a physical termite barrier built into your new construction, providing long lasting termite control for your client.

Other systems are available based on regulatory approval for chemical soil treatments and reticulation systems.

Call Rentokil on 876-926-4236 to discuss the benefits of our pre-construction termite protection plan.

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See answers to the most common questions at our Termite FAQs

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