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For home owners who experienced Bed Bug infestation in their home, they would have shared the same sentiments that frustration, fear and hassle in addressing the problem can be daunting. Many would have wondered; can you get rid of bed bugs completely?
For starters, because bed bugs are so flat and tiny, it is highly possible to miss out any hiding spots with remaining adult or baby bugs lying around in your home. Especially at tricky areas such as along the edges of bed mattresses, beneath or within the carpet fluff, behind headboards, corners or edges of your sofa and in-between seats lining, these bugs could easily hide and breed.
We tend to ignore minor or early tell-tale signs till the problem gets serious and visibly obvious. For example, we might either ignore a single dot of blood stain left by the bug or just squashed a spotted bug found, with the perception of that physical removal of pest presence resolves everything. In fact, the skin sheds of bed bugs can be easily overlooked given their light colored appearance, especially against a light background.
Once we learnt about a neighbor or family member’s room infested with bed bugs, our initial reaction would be to ask if your home unit or room will be affected, given its spread of infestation without weeks and its ability to travel and it’s ease in getting transported or relocated. Without control measures in place, these bugs can spread to nearby locations.
As we all know, bed bugs are caused by cross-infestation, meaning people who travel are at higher risks of bringing these bugs back, typically people who are on regular business trips. While existing bug problem is resolved, the tendency of repeated incident may be high, with the frequency of travelling engaged. Get your essential dos and don’ts travel checklist to help safeguard your home from a bug invasion.
To most home owners, their nightmare and biggest fear would be continuously facing a recurrence or unresolved infestation even after investing in treatments. There are many possibilities for ineffectiveness besides housekeeping and diligent monitoring, for example are the treatments designed adequately to cover the lifecycle of the bug (both the eggs and adults), are the frequency and number of treatments sufficient, are the chemical and solutions effective, is there an integrated solution in place that can treat hard to reach spaces or sensitive areas?
Because bed bugs are active at night and usually bite us when we are asleep, these bugs can go Scott-free as the bites are painless and we do not realize till we notice red, itchy and small flatly raised bumps, commonly found on our upper body, such as neck, arms and shoulders. Find out if that bump on your body is caused by bed bugs, or caused by other biting pests such as ticks, fleas or mosquitoes.
Let the professionals to take care of your frustration and fears in managing bed bug infestation and recommend enhanced bed bug solutions with monitoring and inspection in place, to ensure adequate protection and efficacy in resolving your problem.