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Bald-Faced Hornet

Dolichovespula Maculata


  • Actual Size: 12-15 mm

  • Characteristics: Black with white pattern on face

  • Legs: 6

  • Antennae: Yes


  • Live in paper nests that are at least three feet off the ground, often in trees or on the sides of buildings


  • Bald-faced hornets can be very aggressive and sting repeatedly
  • Live in colonies between 100 and 400 members
  • Often hover around outdoor trash cans for food and beverages

Bald-Faced Hornets In Puerto Rico

The bald-faced hornet greatly resembles its yellowjacket relatives and gets its name from the ivory-white markings on its face. Bald-faced hornets are relatively large flying insects and will defend their nests aggressively when they feel there is a threat. These beneficial wasps live in colonies with thousands of individuals and would be a lesser threat to humans if they did not nest in structural voids, attics, and cavities associated with landscaping features. In the San Juan and Ponce neighborhoods, these wasps frequently build their nests in residential areas, which is when their presence can become more dangerous.

Bald-Faced Hornet Habitat

The bald-faced hornet is more likely to build its large, paper nest around areas where humans live, work and play. These stinging insects build gray colored, egg-shaped nests that can become quite large, some growing to 24 inches in length and 30 inches in diameter. Nests are created in spring and early summer by worker hornets chewing on natural wood fibers. Bald-faced hornets will construct nests in trees, under eaves, around light structures on buildings and inside children’s playhouses. When the nest is finished, it will be the shape of a football or basketball.

Bald-Faced Hornet Behavior, Threats, Or Dangers

Bald-faced hornet stings are venomous, and can cause pain and swelling for about 24 hours. People who are allergic to bee stings, may have similar reactions to a bald-faced hornet sting. Bald-faced hornets scavenge in trash receptacles and forage upon food and beverages consumed outdoors. They also consume ripe fruit in gardens, farms and vineyards. In the autumn, the combination of cooler temperatures and reduced food stimulates newly emerged reproductive wasps to seek warm shelter, and they are more likely to invade homes.

If they feel their nest is under threat, bald-faced hornets will not hesitate to sting. For that reason, it’s important to never knock down a nest on your own. If a nest is located near human activity, it is important to contact a professional pest control company for stinging insect control or nest removal.


The History Of Rentokil Formerly Oliver Exterminating.

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