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Rats can be very persistent and if they manage to gain access to your home or business they can contaminate food, spread harmful diseases and cause considerable damage; such as chewing cabling that can cause fires and chewing through walls. Rats in the garden and other external areas can also be a high risk, particularly in areas visited by children or pets.

How to check for the signs of a rat infestation

By acting on the first sign of a suspected rat problem, the length of time it takes to effectively control a rat infestation can be significantly reduced. Because rats breed so quickly a small problem has the potential to escalate to a larger infestation if left untreated.

If you think you might have a problem with rats, be sure to check for the following:

  • Scratching noises: in ceilings, walls or under the floor as rats scurry around.
  • Rat droppings: rats leave around 40 droppings per night which are dark and tapered and are about 10-14mm long.
  • Distinctive smell: rats leave an ammonia-like smell that will be particularly strong in enclosed areas (such as under cupboards).
  • Rat nests: nests can be found in lofts, attics, crawl spaces, under eaves and even in cavity walls. They will shred available materials such as loft insulation, cardboard and other soft items to make nests
  • Burrows: in gardens, rats will dig burrows - especially in compost heaps or under sheds -and build nests under garden decking, sheds and garages.
  • Footprints: rats leave foot and tail marks in dusty, less-used areas of buildings. Shining a torch should reveal tracks clearly. To establish if a rat infestation is active, sprinkle fine flour or powder along a small stretch of floor near the footprints and check for fresh tracks the next day.
  • Rub Marks: because rats have poor eyesight, they use established routes along skirting boards and walls. Grease and dirt on their bodies leave smudges and dark marks on both objects and surfaces they repeatedly brush against.

Contact Rentokil today to arrange a survey to check for signs of rats.

Rat fact

The lower incisors of a brown rat have a hardness of 5.5 on the Moh's scale.  That's harder than steel, iron and platinum!

How to get rid of rats

Rat proofing tips

Rats will make the most of any opportunity to enter your home in search of shelter and food, so making your home seem less attractive to rodents through proofing is the best way to prevent rats from entering your premises. The following are rat proofing methods you can implement:

  • Entrances - fit bristle strips to the bottom of doors and weather-stripping around exterior doors. Young rats can squeeze through small gaps under doorways. They will enlarge even the smallest gaps by gnawing to enter your home.

  • Cracks and joints - fill holes or small openings (around cables or pipe work) with stainless steel wire wool and sealant or concrete. Steel or aluminium plating can be used. Rats can jump, so check up to a height of about 1.2m.

  • Roofs - repair roof damage and use wire mesh to seal gaps. To exercise rat control, trim vegetation away from your home. Rats climb along electrical cables or use overhanging branches to enter loft spaces and roofs through gaps in broken tiles or under eaves.

  • Drains and sewer pipes - keep toilet seat lids closed. Rats have been known to swim up damaged sewer pipes and get round u-bends in toilets. They will also use drain pipes and drainage outlets. To get rid of rats, use tightly fitting metal grates or screens to cover drains, especially in basement areas and check that all drain pipes are in good working order.

  • Eliminate clutter - items like firewood next to your home.

Housekeeping tips

Practical ways to prevent a rat problem:

  • Food - both food and food residues should be disposed of so as not to attract rats. Store food in plastic or metal containers and regularly clean under kitchen appliances and fridges.

  • Outdoor checks - ensure household refuse is kept in closed bins, keep gardens free from debris. If you have a compost heap don’t include organic food waste, as this will attract rats.
    Use squirrel-proof bird feeders and also look out for holes in the ground nearby.

  • Keep outdoor doors closed - doors to the garden or yard should be closed consistently, especially in the winter months.

  • Clear away pet food - the food tastes of dogs, cats, and birds are similar to those of rats. Larger containers of pet food should be stored away. Feeding pigeons can also attract rats

Professional rat control services

While amateur DIY rat control products can help to regulate a rat problem in low risk areas, professional rat removal is the quickest and most effective way to get rid of rats, especially for established rat colonies or where there are repeated rat infestations.

At Rentokil, our qualified technicians are backed by global knowledge and innovation in getting rid of rats. We have the expertise to offer specialised rat control solutions for your home or business, which can guarantee fast removal through the use of safe and targeted treatments.

Rentokil will put in place an expert rodent control treatment plan:

  • 1 - Rentokil provides a call-out service to our customers who are in need of rat control solutions. Contact us to book a free survey and appointment.

  • 2 - One of our consultants will survey your property and conduct a thorough inspection of the rat activity.

  • 3 - Your local Rentokil technician will provide you with a rat control treatment to get rid of rats, based on the individual requirements of your home or business. We provide rat bait stations that are professionally managed by Rentokil and are a trusted rat deterrent, as well as safe to use in locations where children or pets are present.

  • 4 - The technician will provide you with expert advice on how to keep your home free of rats in the future, and helpful rodent proofing guidelines.

  • 5 - If required, we’ll provide follow up treatments to ensure the rodent infestation is completely eradicated.

Professional services are the most reliable way to guarantee long-term solution to a pest problem. If you have spotted signs of a rat infestation, such as droppings or the unpleasant smell of rat urine, contact our Rentokil experts for advice and rat control solutions.

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