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How to Get Rid of Spiders

Spiders are most likely to enter your home in the rainy season in search of a warm and dry place.

The best advice, in general, is to leave them alone. This can be difficult for the millions of people who have a real fear of spiders.

Majority of spider infestations are more of an annoyance – particularly their webs. However, on occasions, more serious situations can occur especially when it involves some of the dangerous spiders we have here in Barbados.

Professional Spider Service

Rentokil offers a 'peace of mind' spider inspection and monitoring service aimed at identifying specific spider species that may be harmful.

  • If a problem species is confirmed, advice will be given on the most suitable solutions for treatment.
  • Our qualified technicians are experienced in the field of spider control and provide a range of professional services.
  • Vacuum regularly, high and low - particularly sheltered spots such as beneath worktops, backs of cupboards or under/behind large furniture.
  • Remove noticeable webs - on a regular basis.
  • Fill in gaps - in walls, around pipework and under doors to deter entry.
  • Remove sheltering sites - like firewood piles, garden bags, compost piles and general clutter from near your property.
  • Deter all insects - use lighting in a way that is less attractive to the insects (flies) that spiders feed on.

Call us today on 246 429 3546 for a solution to spiders in your home or business.

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Spider Bite?

Know the symptoms of spider bites