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All spiders are venomous, but most are not considered to be harmful to humans. However, Trinidad does have quite a few spiders that can cause some real harm to animals and humans if bitten.

Funnel-web Spider

Tree Funnel Web Spider


Seek Medical Attention Immediately if Bitten

Apply a pressure immobilisation bandage to the bite site and the adjacent limb. For example, a bite on the finger should be treated by bandaging the entire arm. Further restrict movement by applying a splint.

Redback Spider

Brown Recluse Spider


Seek Medical Attention Immediately if Bitten

Apply an ice pack bite site to reduce the pain. Keep the bite victim calm and immobile.

Mouse Spider

wolf spider


Seek Medical Attention Immediately if Bitten

Although no human deaths have been recorded, symptoms can be similar to that of a funnel-web.  Apply a pressure immobilisation bandage to the bite site and the adjacent limb. For example, a bite on the finger should be treated by bandaging the entire arm. Further restrict movement by applying a splint.

White-tailed Spider

Spider Trapdoor


Watch And Act

Some bites may cause a burning pain, swelling and itchiness. Occasionally, blistering has been reported. If pain and swelling persist seek medical attention.

Black House Spider

Black House Spider


Watch And Act

Local swelling and pain can sometimes occur from a bite, including nausea, vomiting, sweating, muscular pain, headache and  dizziness, but these are very rare. In a few cases skin lesions, necrotising  arachnidism have been recorded after bites. A cold pack may relieve local pain.  Seek medical attention if symptoms persist.

Golden Orb or Orb Weaver Spider

Garden Orb Weaver Spider


Watch And Act

Not usually harmful to humans. Mild local pain, numbness and swelling can occur from a bite,  including nausea and dizziness. Seek medical  attention if symptoms persist.

Are You Worried About Spider Bites?

If you have spotted signs of spiders, we can offer professional treatments for complete removal of your problem.

Call Rentokil today on 868 612 0047 to discuss our spider control treatments for your home or business.

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