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Termite fumigation services and process

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When you have an infestation of termites, the best solution is to take out the entire nest in one fell swoop. Just a couple of surviving termites can start an entire infestation all over again. There are lots of methods that claim to be as effective as fumigation, but none of them are guaranteed.

For a termite treatment to be effective it needs to be able to penetrate the wood and get down deep where the termites are hiding. The best way to do that is via termite fumigation that involves covering the structure with a tent and then using a gas that penetrates the wood, destroying the termites and wiping out the colony.

Do you have a termite infestation? If you think you do the contact us to schedule an appointment with a Rentokil termite control professional.

Termite fumigation preparation

The termite fumigation process is a very serious activity to take very seriously on your end as a property or home owner. There are powerful chemicals used in fumigation services that will need to permeate the wood to reach the entire nest of termites and eliminate the current infestation. If done correctly, the termite fumigation will also stop the pests from returning. This preparation process helps reduce the termite fumigation health risks to family members and pets.

A successful termite fumigation requires some preparation on your part before our fumigation professionals show up. These preparations include:

  1. Make sure you have somewhere to stay - since a termite fumigation takes a while and the house will be filled with dangerous chemicals, you will not be allowed to enter your home again while the tent is up and the fumigation process is underway. Make sure you have a hotel, motel or other place to stay.
  2.  Open interior doors between rooms - the chemicals need to get into every room and into the walls. Although the fumigation chemicals can travel underneath the doors, it will be a lot easier and more effective to open the interior doors between all rooms to make sure the entire house is treated.
  3. Seal up food, secure plants - if you have any edible item or living thing that you do not want affected by the chemicals, either remove them from the property or seal them up in locked containers. Any food left out, must be discarded.
  4. Rake the gravel - if you have gravel or mulch around your home, rake it back up to a foot away from the side of the house. This will help get a solid seal for the tent, around the home.
  5.  Help the fumigator with the keys - you will need to leave keys for the termite fumigation professionals to get inside and make sure that everything is secure and that the process is working. Rentokil's fumigation professionals will make sure that your home is locked up once we’re done.

Termite fumigation process

The thought of having a termite treatment in your home via fumigation can be concerning. However, at Rentokil we have been doing termite fumigation since World War II. We can guide you through the process.

  1.  We consult with you and do a thorough inspection of your home to find out if you really do have a termite infestation. We look for the places where they are feeding and hiding to provide the best treatment possible.
  2. We provide you with the instructions that you will need to have a successful fumigation. There are things that you need to do, because you will need to leave your home for a few days while the process does its job. You will need to remove pets and plants. Food will need to be sealed up in airtight containers, or removed.
  3. We will show up on time and cover the house in a tent. That allows the chemicals that we use to keep them right inside the structure and it allows the gas to seep into the wood to get down into the termite nest and wipe out the colony. The tent keeps the gas inside, keeping the neighborhood safe, and to have the maximum effect.
  4.  The chemicals are removed and we make sure that the infestation has been removed. Some spot treatments can be done to ensure that the infestation is over and done and that no more termites remain to potentially re-infest the structure.
  5.  We consult with you to make sure that your property is protected and that any of the things that can bring about an infestation have been removed. Prevention is key and we are experts in termite prevention so you don't have to worry about further damage.

Once the process is complete your home will be safe for you, your family, pets, plants and anyone else. You will be able to move back in and live there worry-free about termites and further termite damage.

What to do after termite fumigation

Once the fumigation process has ended, Rentokil will do follow up visits that may include some additional spot treatments to ensure the termite infestation is really gone. We will remove the tents and turn the keys back over to you. Once we’ve cleared out, there are some things you can do to make sure your home is ready for you to move back in.

  1. Clean carpets - it would be a perfect time to shampoo and clean the carpets.
  2.  Cleaning bedding and furniture - time to clean the bedding in the bedrooms as well as the sofa, chairs and other furniture.
  3.  Open the windows - this will help air out the home and make sure that the last of the chemicals are out.

Experienced termite fumigation

Rentokil professionals have been doing termite fumigation for a long time. We stay up-to-date in the latest methods and chemicals to ensure an effective treatment that eliminates the threat of termites and prevents their return. We also strive to be environmentally friendly and will do everything we can to protect your home and your family.

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