Skilled and experienced Pest Control technicians
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Your property could be an ideal breeding ground for certain species of cockroaches. They have multiple ways they can gain entry through cracks, crevices, vents, sewers and pipe drains.
The most effective way of exercising cockroach control is to deny them easy access to food, water and shelter, which are the main factors that attract them into your home or business.
German cockroaches tend to favour kitchens and can be prevented by keeping crumbs and other particles of food from accumulating in and around counters and cabinets.
Need professional cockroach control? Contact Rentokil for a free survey of your property and quote for innovative prevention and control.
In addition to various DIY cockroach control, there are also a number of practical prevention steps you can take to keep cockroaches out and prevent an infestation.
If you have already spotted signs of an infestation, these steps will help to control an existing problem but you will also need professional treatment for a reliable, long-term solution.
A quick response is essential to prevent cockroaches in your home or spreading to your neighbours.
At Rentokil, we have specialist know-how and equipment enabling us to offer the most efficient way to get rid of cockroaches. Backed by over 85 years of experience locally across South Africa and the world, you can be sure of an effective cockroach control solution.
The very best form of prevention is regular monitoring and pest control by professionals.
Please call us on 0800 117 852 to discuss your requirements for effective cockroach control in your home or on 0800 117 851 for your business.