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How to Get Rid of Bats

Rentokil’s technicians are trained in safe bat eviction and exclusion. Our specialists will locate bat colonies inside of your home, as well as identify potential access points to determine the best options to evict the colony and to prevent them from returning.

These techniques involve applying non-toxic repellent, funneling, and/or exclusion devices/procedures. The recommended methods will differ based on the structure and circumstances at the property, as well as the seasonal behaviour of the bats themselves.

Bats in Ceiling Voids


A non-toxic sachet which emanates scents that bats find unfavorable is applied to roof voids to repel them to another location. This application, however, is seasonal, as the bats will not leave the void voluntarily at certain times of year.


A PVC elbow or straight downward pipe is installed over primary openings to encourage bats to funnel out of the property and prevents them from reentering the space. This treatment must remain in place for at least 14 days to ensure proper eviction of the entire colony, after which a more permanent sealing of the entry point can be applied.


As part of our bat removal service, our technicians identify potential entry points and make recommendations for sealing to prevent re-entry. Customers may opt to seal off entry points themselves or utilise this part of our service. For exclusion of bats within ceiling voids, a material such as mesh-netting is applied to block off the entry points. Exclusion services typically start after funneling has resulted in successful eviction of the entire bat colony.


Vacuuming & Disinfection

Bats can defecate while resting, which means that their droppings (called guano) builds up over time. Apart from the unpleasant odour and potential health risks in rare instances, the accumulation of guano from very large bat colonies can also cause structural damage as the weight can damage ceiling materials. In most instances, we are able to vacuum the guano from the affected area and disinfect to minimise any potential health risks.

Bats Hanging on Eaves

Depending on the design of the eaves, a repellant may be used. The installation of certain materials designed to make roosting uncomfortable may also be used as a temporary solution to persuade the bats to voluntarily vacate the space. A discreet material can also be attached to the eave to deter the bats from landing. Materials and methods used vary depending on the particular situation.

How to evict bats

Once you have bats inside your home, it can be very hard to get them out without harming them, or risking bites and other potential issues. The recommended method of evicting bats is to apply procedures that allow the bats to leave of their own accord, and prevent them from returning.

Rentokil’s technicians are trained in these methods to allow for safe removal. Because bats are so important to our Caribbean eco-system, some property owners create an alternative resting place for bats on their property such as bat houses.  

Homemade or DIY bat repellents can harm bats or result in them leaving for only a short time. Some DIY methods may also contain chemicals that are harmful for humans and pets. Bats should never be sealed inside a space before being evicted safely. Aside from the cruelty of leaving these helpful animals to starve to death, their decomposing bodies will invite other, potentially harmful diseases into your home. Furthermore, if your property has any unsealed entry points, there is a good chance the bats will return. Rentokil, therefore, does not recommend any DIY bat control methods.

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Want to prevent Bats?

Here's what you need to consider.