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How To Prevent Moths

It can be difficult to prevent moths, but there are practical steps you can take to reduce the risk of an infestation.

Try if you can to deny them access indoors, to help protect your clothing and other delicate items from moth damage.

Moth repellents and other DIY products are available to try and control a small problem on your own.

To guarantee complete control of a large and repeat infestation, professional treatment is the best option.

Moth Prevention Tips

Preventing moths in your home or business must always include ways to deny them entry indoors. Once inside moths will lay eggs in dark and rarely disturbed areas such as wardrobes or cupboards, where clothes or other textiles are stored and could be damaged.

  • Use fly screens - or draw curtains at night to prevent moths entering your home through doors and windows.
  • Vacuum regularly - ensure hidden areas such as under large furniture or sofas are regularly vacuumed, to try and remove moth eggs before they hatch.
  • Keep stored textiles in sealed bags - if you plan to store textiles for a long period of time, keep them in sealed plastic bags or suitcases to prevent moth’s access to lay eggs.
  • Clean clothes - moths are attracted to dirty or soiled garments, so always clean clothes thoroughly before storing them.

High Risk Areas For Moth Infestations Include:

  • Underneath beds - especially in little used spare rooms.
  • Infrequently used cupboards, drawers and wardrobes
  • Lofts and Attics - moths can be attracted to bird nests in eaves of homes.

Rentokil's Moth Treatments

Have you noticed holes and moth damage on your clothes? We have a range of effective solutions to treat infestations and eliminate your moth problem.

Our chemical free ‘heat pod’ treatment is suitable for eliminating moths, eggs and larvae in delicate items that cannot be laundered.

Our Service includes:

  • Our technician will call you to arrange a convenient time for a visit.
  • On arrival, our technician will explain the treatment process before commencing work.
  • We will highlight areas of infestation and where proofing is needed to prevent further problems and offer other prevention advice.
  • After treatment, we will arrange follow up visits, if they are required. This will vary with treatment types and infestation levels.

Call Rentokil on 246 429 3546 to arrange treatments to get rid of moths in your home or business.

Signs of Moths

What to look out for when moths are in your property

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Rentokil's discreet and effective service for the elimination of moths in your business