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Spider control

Many people have an inherent fear of spiders, making them a particular nuisance when found indoors.

Some spider species prefer to stay closer to the outdoors, weaving their webs in your barn, garden or near your outside lighting. Most spiders are a nuisance primarily because of their webbing.

Schedule an inspection of your property by contacting us online or call 877-690-2115 to speak with a customer service agent.

Identifying spiders

There are more than 35,000 species of spiders worldwide. Spiders span a wide range of sizes and colors, yet they are all easily recognizable by their eight legs. Spiders are often beneficial because they eat many types of insects, including those that are pests inside and outside of our structures.

The most common spider species that can be found entering your home or business are:

  • Common house spider – spider most often encountered inside.
  • Sac spider – often pale yellow, grey, or green colour; likely responsible for most indoor spider bites.
  • Wolf spider – large, “hairy”, and often mistaken for tarantula; leg span as much as 7.62 cm.
  • Cellar spider – very long, thin legs; will rapidly shake its body on the web when disturbed.

How to keep spiders away

Spiders usually enter homes in the autumn due to their search for a warm place to spend the winter. The following is a list that can help to prevent and get rid of spider problems in and around your home or business:

  • Use lighting in a way that is less attractive to the insects that spiders feed on.
  • Remove noticeable webs.
  • Vacuum regularly.
  • Remove sheltering sites like firewood piles and compost piles from near your home.
  • Fill in gaps in walls and under doors to deter entry.

Frequently asked questions

  • What spiders are common in Canada?

    The most frequently found spider species in Canada include the house spider, wolf spider, cellar spider and yellow sac spider.

  • Are there any deadly spiders in Canada?

    Although extremely rare, black widow spider and brown recluse spider bites can be deadly to humans.

  • Do Canadian house spiders bite?

    House spiders in Canada will rarely bite humans. However, they may bite if they feel threatened when found in articles of clothing such as shoes, shirts, and pants.

  • How worried should I be about spiders?

    Most spiders found in Canada are completely harmless and will remain unnoticed in your home or business.

Spider bite symptoms and treatment

The majority of spiders that can bite are not considered harmful to humans. However, Canada does have some spider species that are of medical significance to animals and humans if bitten — the black widow spider and brown recluse spider. 

Spider bites, although rare, can pose a potential concern for the elderly/infirm, young children and pets. Venomous spiders, in general, will typically not bite you unless they feel threatened or provoked. Most spiders are unable to bite humans or pets at all.

Most spider bites will only cause minor inflammation, swelling and itching in humans. However, some species can cause a reaction due to the venom injected as well as damage to skin tissue and associated pain.

How to get rid of spiders in your home or business

Although many people attempt to get control with do-it-yourself spider control remedies, the results are not always proven to be successful. Small problems can easily become large problems and this is when many people seek out the services of a pest control professional for their home or business.

At Rentokil, we pride ourselves on fast, responsive service every day. We are always available for any emergency pest concerns that may develop and all appointments are scheduled at times that suit your schedule, not just ours.

Call Rentokil at 877-690-2115 for further spider advice or use our online contact form to arrange a visit by an expert, licensed, Rentokil Technician.

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