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Pest identification

Use Rentokil’s Pest Identification (Pest ID) tool to find which bug, spider or pest is invading your home or business.

Choose from a list of insects and common pests, including cockroaches, flies, termites and rodents, to find your particular pest species. Once you understand your pest problem, you will be able to decide on the best treatment more easily.

What pest is in my home?

Need to know what spider is crawling around your kitchen? Or which cockroach has decided to make your home their own?

A wide variety of pests like termites, spiders, birds and cockroaches can be found in homes and businesses throughout North America. The difference between bugs found in Vancouver and insects common in Toronto can be very distinct but often too subtle to easily identify.

If you are concerned about pests in your home, please contact us or call 877-690-2115.

Correct bug or pest identification will help you to:

  • Reduce risks to your health and damage to your property.
  • Save money and time with quicker reaction to an infestation.
  • Select the most effective pest management treatment.

Now you can save valuable money and time by using Pest ID to quickly identify your unwanted pest and help you decide on the most effective treatment for control and future prevention.

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Residential: 877-690-2115
Commercial: 877-690-2115

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